A new traders council will be formed to support Hatta's ambitious development plans.
This was announced by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai's Crown Prince and Chairman of the Executive Council.
The initiative will help create economic and investment opportunities with the active participation of Emirati youth.
"We have great confidence in the people and youth of Hatta to lead and manage development projects and take advantage of the upcoming economic opportunities," Sheikh Hamdan said on Twitter.
The 'Hatta Traders Council' will support the implementation of the Hatta Master Development Plan, which forms an integral part of the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
The Plan aims to enhance the quality of life in the area within the next 20 years, create investment opportunities and support local tourism while also preserving the unique nature and heritage of Hatta.
وجهنا اليوم بتشكيل "مجلس تجار حتا" والذي سيضم نخبة من شباب المنطقة وأهلها وليكون داعماً للخطة التنموية لحتا التي أطلقها الشيخ محمد بن راشد .. أساس التنمية هي المواطن وهدفنا خلق فرص استثمارية وتنمية اقتصادية يشارك فيها ويستفيد منها شباب حتا. pic.twitter.com/QSV9tnQhhi
— Hamdan bin Mohammed (@HamdanMohammed) October 24, 2021
Mohammed Khalifa Al Kaabi is one such young entrepreneur hoping to make a mark.